音將有限公司 435058 台中市梧棲區四維路106巷29號6樓之5 04-2462-2682 04-2462-9629 service@injump.com.tw 港澳, 大陸, 東南亞, 日韓, 北美, 中南美, 歐洲, 紐澳, 非洲, 其他, 全國地區
http://www.injump.com.tw/images/corpimg.png http://www.injump.com.tw/images/corpimg.png
http://www.injump.com.tw/images/corpimg.png http://www.injump.com.tw/images/corpimg.png 音將有限公司
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音將有限公司, Injump Technology Co., Ltd.

INJUMP Technology Co., Ltd. has been specializing in Electro-Acoustic components.

Our products are developing towards miniaturize, better performance and more convenient application, to meet the requirements of more professional customers.

Our main products include Electret Condenser microphones, Speakers, Loud speakers, Miniature speakers, Buzzers, magnetic transducers and Piezo ceramic elements for widely use in various 3C industries.

We have a full range of products, as a one-stop supplier of acoustics components, can simplify the workload for customers for cost saving. We have quick response ability, short sample delivery time, and experienced technical support. We accept small orders and provide ODM & OEM services.


服務內容: 麥克風,喇叭,蜂鳴器,編碼開闢,電子零組件

主要服務地區:港澳, 大陸, 東南亞, 日韓, 北美, 中南美, 歐洲, 紐澳, 非洲, 其他, 全國地區